Our Vision

Contributing to the creation of a pioneering youth empowerment model in the Arab world.

Our Mission

Empowering Arab youth by cooperating with Arab governments and developing various initiatives to nurture the next generation of Arab leaders capable of building a better future.

Our Values

  • Trust
  • Partnership
  • Ambition
  • Learning
  • Development
  • Sense of belonging
  • Optimism
  • Integrity


Organizing Events

Organizing forums and workshops for the Arab Youth throughout the year to exchange ideas and practices, discuss ways of cooperation and develop a common agenda

Research and Development

Studies and reports on the reality of Arab Youth that can help forecast and guide discussions around the future lead by youth. Studies to gather data about youth and understand their behaviour and aspirations

Projects & Initiatives

Work on projects and strategic initiatives for Arab youth, implemented by youth while following up on its impact in different countries